Malware Development Introduction aka Malware Dev 101 - Part 2
Malware Development Introduction (aka Malware Dev 101), Part 2 - Evasion Basics
Malware Development Introduction (aka Malware Dev 101), Part 2 - Evasion Basics
Malware Development Introduction (aka Malware Dev 101), Part 1
Sliver has been a popular open-source C2 in recent years and has had continuous improvements since its release. It’s cross-platform and easy to setup which w...
Scenario: You’re on a red team engagement and want to execute .NET utilites in your Beacon but need to increase your chances at evasion and opsec. You obviou...
For a while now, people have been using alternative callback methods in C/CSharp payloads instead of the vanilla CreateThread() or similar Windows API funct...